Trading Journal As of 29 June 2012 Exited the following trade. Short Position (Exited) ComfortDelgro Corp Ltd (SG) [caption id="attachment_852" align="alignnone" width="640" caption=Continue Reading→
Trading Journal As of 22 June 2012 Added the following trade. Long Position (Initiated) Sabana REIT(SG) [caption id="attachment_845" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Sabana REIContinue Reading→
Trading Journal As of 15 June 2012 Here is this week’s update. No new trades added. Short trade (ComfortDelgro Corp Ltd) and long trades (Tiong Woon Corp Hldg Ltd and Wisconsin EnerContinue Reading→
Trading Journal As of 8 June 2012 Here is this week’s update. No new trades added. Short trade (ComfortDelgro Corp Ltd) and long trades (Tiong Woon Corp Hldg Ltd and Wisconsin EnerContinue Reading→
Trading Journal As of 1 June 2012 Here is this week’s update. No new trades added. Short trade (ComfortDelgro Corp Ltd) and long trades (Tiong Woon Corp Hldg Ltd and Wisconsin EnerContinue Reading→